T With Miss D

You must be thinking . . . isn’t that the name of Sandra Leichner”s award-winning quilt?

Tea With Miss D made by Sandra Leichner

Tea With Miss D, by Sandra Leichner

Then you immediately thought. Is SHE giving HIM that quilt because HE is HER number one fan?

And then you thought. NO, that’s ridiculous. I’m her number one fan. I DESERVE that quilt much more than he does. I LOVE that quilt. How could she betray me like this, we have so much history? (side thought: I’m sure that restraining order is no longer valid.) If  she had only given ME that quilt, I would build a house around it . . . if she had only given IT to ME . . . not Tom . . .

Then you realized, Sandra wouldn’t give Tom that quilt. She knows I love her more than he does. He must mean something else.

Of course I mean something else. T is me (TOM), and D is Dallas, which doesn’t need parentheses. Tomorrow I am traveling to Dallas with friends Kathy and Dot (you’ll learn more about them later), to meet even more friends (from Arkansas and various parts of Texas—which you will also learn more about later), and once we all get together, we going to laugh and laugh, and shop and laugh, and eat and laugh, and . . . see a show.

See a show? What show? This show. . .

Dallas Quilt Show Logo

It’s a wonderful regional show. There are lots of things I like about it. One of the best things about it is that I get to go.  Another thing I like about it, is that it’s easy to get to. Then there are the vendors, and last but definitely not least are the quilts. The entries are always amazing for a regional show. We are talking NATIONAL level talent here. This show should be on everyone’s quilt show schedule.

Beyond putting on a great show, the guild always makes a stunning raffle quilt. This year’s quilt is no exception, see . . .

2010 Dallas Quit Celebration Raffle Quilt

2010 Dallas Raffle Quilt • Made by Dallas Quilt Guild members • Quilted by Richard Larson

I am looking forward to seeing this show, but more importantly, I’m looking forward to spending time with my friends, both old and new. If you see me at the show, please introduce yourself. I love putting faces with names and there is no better place to meet than at a quilt show.

Dallas in May I will be speaking and doing a workshop for the Dallas Guild in May. I feel like I’ve hit the BIG TIME now. Some of you have heard about my program, but haven’t had a chance to see it, well this is your chance. I always have fun sharing my stories and quilts, so if you are in the area, I would love for you to drop by and say hi.

See you in Dallas!

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20 Responses to “T With Miss D”

  1. deniece Says:

    WHEW WHO! I am going to be at the Dallas Quilt Celebration, will have my first booth there! #42.`


  2. deb aka purple princess Says:

    It figures…just figures, that you’ll be at the Dallas show and this will be the first time in years that I won’t be! (Have company coming in for the weekend and can’t be in two places at once…YET!) Grrr! Enjoy the show — it’s one of my fav! Oh, and since I won’t be there to do it for myself…shop, Shop, SHOP!!!!! ;-D

    • Tom Russell Says:

      Ah, I was hoping you’d be there. I now everyone will miss you being there. Enjoy your company. There are many more quilting adventures to be had and shows to go to.

      I’ll let everyone know they need to buy more on your behalf. I know the vendors are going to love us.

  3. fiberdoodles Says:

    Oh I love road trips; epecially when quilts are involved. Oh yes, and the friends and laughter are always the icing on the cake! I hope you have a wonderful time and come to think about, Dallas is not to far away…hummmm, maybe I’ll see you there ;0)

    Ps: I was blessed to be in the presence of Sandra’s quilt in Houston and OMG this quilt rocks!!

    • Tom Russell Says:

      Road trips are great when shared with friends. Five hours can feel like one. When you in the car alone, singing to yourself, five hours feels like a pain in the butt—literally.

      I got to meet Sandra while she at her quilt in Houston. Such a wonderful person, and SO talented. She definitely rocked it out on that quilt. The details are amazing. I love her new book. She tells so much about what went into making it. A fantastic book, no doubt about it.

  4. Patricia Eaton Says:

    Tom…wonderful post!!! Now, you KNOW I am envious of you being in Dallas with friends…especially since some of them are MY friends too. Will think of you all having a blast….so give each other a hug from me. And, live it up…Dallas does have a wonderful quilt show and if that isn’t enough….I can see you all laughing it up from here! Travel safe and tell us all about it, here, when you return. I’m loving your blog…LIKE I KNEW I WOULD!
    hugs, pat

    • Tom Russell Says:

      We’ll be thinking of you too. Trust me, everyone gets a hug. First from me, then from you. Hopefully no ribs will be broken. You know how I can be when I start hugging.

  5. kathydrew Says:

    Oh, I so wish I was with you. Can you pretend I’m there. Hope you have a wonderful and fabulous trip. Enjoy!

  6. Gari Says:

    You are so funny! You are making a VERY smooth transition into the blogging world! Good for you! Have fun in Dallas! Thanks for the great entertainment!

    • Tom Russell Says:

      Hi Gari, Thanks. I hope people enjoy reading what is rolling around in my head. It even surprises me sometimes.

      With all the friends I have coming to the show, it can’t help to be fun.

  7. Jackie Says:

    OMG ! ! I am sooooooooo excited about your NEW Blog. This way I can spend more time with you, lol. Our busy life’s sometimes pulls us all in other directions
    and although we long to be close as human beings, we have to do those “other” things like “work” (grrr). Bonnie Blue will be in Dallas,swing by and looksie. I wish I could be there I’ve never visited that show but I hear it’s a good one. Well have fun, spend a little money get lots of ideas and come home safe. P.S. You are making me look bad about blogging….I need to get on it. I will Toast a Post in honor of your blog ! Love & hugs Jackie (WHQG)

    • Tom Russell Says:

      Well, hi there. I’m glad you decided to drop. Now it’ll be even more fun to blog. Visiting with friends is always fun. Yes, I did stop by Bonnie Blue. I had a really nice visit. I met Linda Barns. I knew who she was and all that she has done, but I have never actually met her. Yea, me! Thanks for dropping by.

      I’m looking forward to sending people your way, but you need to update your blog. I’m sure your puppy has grown. I’m all for seeing more pictures of him.

  8. Gaby Bee Says:

    Just wanted to say hello! I came across a link to your blog from my dear online friend Pat Eaton.
    Enjoy the show and have fun!

    Greetings from Germany,

  9. Sherry Says:

    Heck, if I’d known you were gonna be there, I would have called in sick and skipped work to pester you!

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